Vendor Instructor / Service Policy

  1. A purchase order (PO) must be received by the vendor prior to the student's service start date. CWCS does not guarantee payment on any services rendered by the vendor without having an authorized PO in hand.

  2. Only specific services, number of lessons or sessions, or specific items listed in the description on the PO will be paid for by CWCS. Services are to be scheduled on school days Monday - Friday. No weekend services can be scheduled. Only make-ups for absences can be completed on non-school days at the discretion of the vendor.

  3. CWCS does not pay for any separate charges like deposits, enrollment, registration, invoice or any other type of administration fee. It is the parent's responsibility for payment if these types of fees are required for the student to receive service. If product materials are required for a service then the vendor must request and receive a separate product material purchase order. Do not invoice for product materials using a service PO number.

  4. No payment for services rendered will be made by CWCS for any student who is not listed on the school's PO.

  5. No payment will be made by CWCS for any student to attend services whose instructor or the business owner is related and this includes a step-relative, domestic partner, or anyone living in the same household as the enrolled student.

  6. CWCS POs are valid only for the service's specific dates or month stated in the description area of the PO. A PO is NOT valid to apply to services for any other month that is not stated on the purchase order.

  7. It is the Vendor's responsibility to contact the school's Business Services Department at [email protected] if there is any erroneous description, information, or amount on the PO, and request a revised PO prior to invoicing on the services.

  8. The instructor or CWCS may cancel the PO at any time for any reason. Either party may terminate the business relationship at any time without prejudice or penalty. CWCS will not honor or be responsible for any signed agreements made solely between the parent and the vendor.

  9. Instructors may not use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram to communicate with the CWCS students. Texting should be limited to class or schedule information only.

  10. No Sectarian instruction or course material is allowed.

  11. Vendor maintains that all employees' who have any contact, including email, online and/or electronic communication, with students have DOJ live scan fingerprinting background checks with state and federal clearances and notifies Business Services Dept when hiring new employees before allowing to provide services to CWCS students.

12.Billing / Accounts Payable Details

  • Vendor must submit an invoice referencing the PO number to receive payment or use the Electronic Billing Component in lieu of sending a hard copy invoice.

  • Class or lessons must have taken place prior to invoicing. CWCS does not pre-pay lessons.

  • Invoice amount must match the amount on the PO, unless you are invoicing less than.

  • Incorrect invoice that does not match the service dates and/or amount will be automatically sent back to the vendor. To avoid a delay in payment contact the school's Business Services Dept. before invoicing if the PO in not accurate.

  • Notify Business Services Dept. of any mailing address change immediately.

  • A vendor may provide materials and invoice CWCS only if a separate materials PO was received and the materials are listed in the description area of the PO.

  • The amount being invoiced must meet the rate terms of the signed Independent Contractor Agreement and NOT to exceed the cost amount on the purchase order amount without approval from the Business Services Department prior to submitting for payment.

  • Allow thirty (30) days rom the date Accounts Payable receives the invoice for payment.

CWCS operates on July 1 through June 30 fiscal year. Invoicing must take place between these dates year-end invoicing must be dated and received prior to June 30 in the year services were rendered.

13. Instructors are responsible for our students from the time they are dropped off for the class until the responsible party picks them up. Students may not be left unattended. An instructor may cancel a PO for a student if a responsible party is not picking up that student promptly.

14. For questions about this policy or purchase orders, please contact the Business Services Dept. at [email protected] or 209-874-1119. For questions regarding an invoice or payment status, please contact Accounts Payable at Delta Managed Solutions (DMS) at 916-649-6461 ext. 128.

15. Vendor is not to discuss any purchase order or payment issues with CWCS parents, Education Specialists, or other CWCS personnel outside of the Vendor Relations, Business Services or DMS Finance departments. The purchase order is a service and payment contract between the vendor and the school.

Connecting Waters Charter School appreciates your dedication to our students!

Vendor Instructor - Service Policy 07/31/2020

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