EE Individualized Access (Portfolio Review)
Assignments for Social Studies
Five assignments will be collected for each student. The 5th assignment is a final exam or project. The EE will give specific instructions about submitting the final exam/project before the end of each semester.
Social Studies - The assignments should reflect the student's understanding of the key concepts of the course of study. The grades on these 5 assignments will comprise a significant portion of the student's overall grade. (Suggested grading policy: 50% ES Progress Report; 25% Portfolio; 25% Final Exam or Final Project)
Suggested Samples:
All samples should have a grade or feedback from the ES and should show critical thinking skills.
- Chapter or Unit review- With questions provided and answers written in complete sentences. Label textbook, chapter number, and title of lesson.
- In depth summary of chapter or event in history.
- Primary Source Document Analysis
- Essay- Examples could be a biography or a historical fiction book review.
- Proctored Final Exam or Final Project (EE will provide information.)
- Graded Final exam at least 50% short answer or essay
- Possible projects: Research paper (MLA format Owl Purdue MLA), PowerPoint presentation, timeline, or a combination of these formats.