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Student Dress Code

The CWCS dress code sets standards that promote a positive and safe learning environment for students. Students should wear neat, clean and appropriate clothing at all school activities, including school dances, graduation activities and testing.

 The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:

1. Students shall dress appropriately for educational activities in which they will participate so as not to endanger their health, safety, or welfare, or that of others, or cause a disruption to the educational process.  Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments when sitting or standing. The following articles or clothing  are not permitted:
  • Shorts, pants, skirts, and tops that fail to conceal undergarments, back, abdomen, and cleavage. No oversized saggy pants, (all pants must be worn at the waist). Fabric can be any, but no frayed hems (as on cut-offs), and no holes such as in worn-out denims;
  • Muscle shirts;
  • Back-less, strapless, or spaghetti strap tops;
  • Low cut tops and dresses;
  • Bare-midriff tops;
  • Chains of any sort, wallet or utility-type chains.
  • See-through garments

2. All attire must fit appropriately and must not be too small or too large. Shorts and skirts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited.

3. Shoes shall be worn at all times. Steel-toed boots and bedroom slippers prohibited.

4. Clothing, accessories, and jewelry shall be free of writing, pictures, symbols or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane, obscene, libelous, slanderous, or sexually suggestive. Clothing, accessories, or jewelry that degrade any cultural, religious or ethnic values, that advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice or discrimination, or that promote sex, the use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol or violence or any unlawful acts (including gang activity) are prohibited.

5. Dark glasses shall not be worn indoors, except for valid medical reasons authorized by the administration and verified in writing by a physician.

6. Gang-related clothing or accessories, including but not limited to bandannas, or other symbols, emblems or insignia are prohibited. Gang-related web belts with or without punched out metal buckles are prohibited. School officials shall consider student history and information obtained from community agencies and resources when making these judgments. Dangerous clothing accessories are prohibited (i.e., spiked jewelry, studded collars, studded belts, hanging belts).

7. Hats, caps and other head coverings are prohibited indoors during regular school hours except as specifically authorized by a school official for such school activities as athletics and theatrical performances or other approved personal reasons such as health needs. Hood sweatshirts when used to conceal identity are not permitted.

Any student dressed inappropriately during state/school mandated testing will be subject to school discipline and will be sent home. Student subsequently will be required to travel to the school office in Waterford to do the testing on specified dates. Alternatively, the student may be required to wear a t-shirt provided by the school at the test site.

The Executive Director of the school or her designee makes the final decision of what is appropriate school attire.

The Executive Director of the school or her designee may issue more specific dress code guidelines at any time.

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