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Online Code of Conduct Policy

Adopted from Apex Learning 1/2011

The following guidelines apply to all students and parents. Failure to comply will result in dismissal from online courses and/or suspension as deemed appropriate by the school administration.

If you witness any violations of these guidelines, please contact your online instructor or the School office at 209-874-1119 x 6.

  • Respect student privacy by not sharing student names nor posting/commenting publicly about any student.
  • Problems or concerns about your child should be discussed privately with the teacher not publicly on online platforms.
  • Online platforms are meant for student use and, although parents are encouraged to watch over the shoulder of their child's first meeting, ongoing classroom participation/observation should be approved by the instructor.
  • Use your own user name and password. Do not give these to anyone.
  • Do not aid anyone in getting unauthorized access to online platforms.
  • Do not post your or anyone else's personal contact information except with the approval of the instructor.
  • Do not post messages that were sent to you privately.
  • Insults or attacks of any kind against another person are prohibited.
  • Use of obscene, degrading, or profane language is prohibited.
  • Once the class begins there is no chatting except with the approval of the instructor.
  • Do not sign into the session more than 10 minutes prior to the beginning of class unless it's your first time logging on. Your instructor may grant an exception.
  • All students are expected to conduct themselves with a high degree of integrity. Cheating and plagiarism are not acceptable. Instances of cheating and plagiarism include but are not limited to: cheat or crib notes, looking at & using other student's answers or work, copying homework, class work, or tests, and doing another student's work. Copying or paraphrasing work from the Internet, book, magazine, newspaper, song or other sources without properly citing sources is prohibited. When using facts that are not generally known, statistical data or copying maps, charts or graphs without using the author's name and a bibliography is also prohibited.
  • Student papers may be turned into "Turn it" or another source that will instantly identify unoriginal material. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing are subject to an "F" or "Zero" on the assignment or test, an "F" grade for the class, and/or suspension as deemed appropriate by school administration.
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